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Tea Ceremony

“When tea becomes ritual, it takes place at the heart of our ability to see greatness in small things.” – Muriel Barbery
About the Tea
During a tea ceremony, we use rare, wise, and organic tea leaves that we lovingly refer to as "living teas."
This tea is an adaptogenic herb that has immune-strengthening properties.
Its leaves are carefully chosen from big-growth trees all around Asia, which are grown in their native environments free of chemical fertilizers.
Each tea has its own unique expression. When brewed, it takes us on a journey with each sip to explore its origin, story, and drops of wisdom.
In Taoist herbalism, Tea is considered a “shen” or spirit tonic, allowing the heart and mind to open, gently inviting us to connect with Nature.

“Tea is an act complete in its simplicity. When I drink tea, there is only me and the tea. The rest of the world dissolves. There are no worries about the future. No dwelling on past mistakes." - Thich Nhat Hanh

What is Tea Ceremony?
During a Tea Ceremony, we are invited to sit with tea medicine in silence, so that we can invite her wisdom to flow through us. In this time we can sit for 3+ bowls, each bowl offering a unique story, experience, and piece of wisdom.
Qi lives in Tea, and is awakened when brewed. This Qi can invite the movement of energy within you, resulting in tears, sweat, laughter, visual imagery, or poetry.
Tea is an unmistakable bridge into infinity. Connecting us to the great unknown and the magnificent present. Enlightening and inviting us to see with eyes we’ve had closed for a long time.
She helps us remember what it feels like to connect. Physically. Emotionally. Spiritually.
You can invite it in. You can choose to simply sit and receive. You can choose to focus on something specific, and let Tea guide you through.
Tea doesn’t care who you are, or where you came from. She loves you just as you are, right here, right now. She is ready to receive you. All that is asked of you is your willingness to say “yes” to stillness, and receive what is awaiting you in the vast landscape of your internal world.
Tea ceremonies are held in my space in Orange, CA, or virtually over Zoom.
If you are interested in setting a space near you to share tea, either privately or for an intimate event, click the link below to send me an email.
I am happy and humbled to share Tea with you.