Creative Alchemy
A Live Journey of Creative Empowerment and Discovery
Imagine feeling safe and liberated enough to create beyond your wildest dreams, embodied as the artist you’ve always dreamed of being.
Are you ready to reach the deepest oceans of your creative potential?
Creative Alchemy
An 8-week live coaching experience. In 8 weeks, you will learn to stand tall in the face of resistance, fall back in love with your art, and use the power of inner work, somatic practices, and vulnerability to alchemize your raw humanness into true honest art and become the artist you have always wanted to be.
Imagine surrendering into the version of you who:
Oozes confidence in who she is, and sees that reflected in everything she creates
Feels deeply held and seen in who she is and what she creates
Pulls in more aligned audiences/communities/clients/opportunities who are drawn to her exact style and voice
Drops the self-sabotage and finally prioritizes her own vision
Trusts her creative seasons and knows how to work with them
Doesn't feel the need to scroll IG for inspo because she is constantly overflowing with yummy creative ideas
Is unbothered by what everyone else is doing, because she is having way too much fun in her own process (no more FOMO!)
Knows how to emotionally regulate and transmute her emotions into art
Drops the need for external validation because she has unquestionable trust in her own value
Falls asleep at night completely satisfied because she finally gave herself permission to be seen

The creative process can have so many interruptions.
We can second-guess ourselves. We can stop up against creative blocks. We can get distracted by someone else's work or how far we have to go on a project that doesn't look even close to being done yet.
But what you might be forgetting to do is FEEL through your creative process, and actually work with the seasons you're moving through. Every artist is different. There's no 1 right way to do it, no formula for every artist to follow.
This is where your unique blueprint comes in.
When you tap into your own creative channel, open up to the inspiration available to you, and truly surrender to listening to your inner Muse, you not only create art that the whole world can feel your heart woven into, but you BECOME the art.
And that, my dear, is when you find the gold.

Hand on heart...
is this you?
You want to feel safe and held in your creations, but fear being misunderstood
You trust that your possibilities are endless, but feel overwhelmed by all the things you can do that nothing actually gets done​
You have such a deep desire to create, but you get discouraged when what you create doesn’t perfectly reflect what you had in mind
You know you have your own unique essence that you want to infuse into your art, but comparison holds you back from seeing yourself clearly
Your imagination runs wild, but you often abandon your creative urges for something that makes more “sense”
You’ve sought external validation for your work for so long, you’ve forgotten what it is you love to make and why
I see you
and I've been you
From being completely afraid to show up online
to speaking confidently and directly from the heart
From moving through a giant wave of not-enoughness
to pressing "publish" on my Etsy page and completely selling out my inventory
From operating on fumes in full burnout mode and feeling the need to overdeliver in order to be valuable
to operating in full authenticity, honoring my unique pacing, and receiving TONS of aligned opportunities that excite me
Creative Alchemy is what I have moved myself through to remember my own wholeness, without needing to "fix" myself -- but rather, to come home to myself (and my art) again and again
The world needs your art (and so do YOU)
What would you create if nothing was stopping you?

Inside the Temple:
8 x foundational lessons to clarify your creative channel and work through what might be getting in the way.
Each module will include:-
Embodiment practices
Journal prompts​
4 x creative co-working sessions
4 x live group coaching sessions, where you can be supported through anything that is currently keeping you stuck, or allow yourself/your art to be witnessed, refined, and receive feedback if desired
A community of artists walking the path alongside you, supporting you and witnessing you lovingly along the way
A level of depth and true self-acceptance
This container is all about creating space to be receptive towards your creativity
Essential Pillars:
Self-Discovery & Authentic Expression:
Unearth the truth of who you are as an artist through reflective journaling, somatic exploration, and powerful visualizations. Embrace your unique creative voice and see your authenticity as a strength that fuels your artistry.
Emotional Alchemy & Resistance Work:
Alchemize fear, comparison, self-doubt, and creative blocks through somatic tools, mindset shifts, and compassionate inner work. Engage with your inner critic and release perfectionism by reprogramming limiting beliefs and using the wisdom of the body to hold yourself through your emotional process. Allow ALL of this to be part of your art.
Channeling Inspiration & Creative Flow:
Reconnect to your intuition and the Muse with guided meditations, creative rituals, and playful exercises. Develop personalized practices that bring joy and flow back into your process, creating a sustainable relationship with your artistry.
Creative Mastery & Integration:
You will be empowered to integrate all you have discovered so you can lead yourself through your own creative process. From this place, you will have the confidence and mastery to take action on something you've been putting off, and create from a place of wholeness and trust in yourself.

I'm here to see you, hear you, reflect for you, cheer you on, offer you loving feedback, hold your vision, love you, stand up for you, and relentlessly support you in making the art and being the artist you want to be. Because you, and your art, are unequivocally worth it.
I know you have something to say, write, create…
Together, we will create a world where you can transmute what used to hold you back
into your greatest masterpiece.
Hi, I'm Katie
An artist devoted to weaving poetry through life.
As a writer, painter, jewelry maker, dancer, and deeply feeling human being, I understand how deeply we can resonate with life as art, because we ARE art.
With how deeply I crave to weave poetry into life, sometimes that desire is met with doubt, or feelings of lack or unworthiness.
“What if I can’t encapsulate it in the way my heart truly sees it, hears it, feels it? If I can’t copy and paste from my heart into the world, what’s the point?”
This moment of questioning can cause an interruption in the creative process, and has left me bloated with an undeveloped idea time and time again.
Through years of trying to move past this, creating anyway but not feeling like my heart is really in it, creating for other people but not being in alignment with what my soul wants to transmute, it finally became clear to me:
I was being called to become the art, first.
Be the poetry. Be the pallete. Be the breath of life that my art needed in its lungs.
And that required me to go inward. See what stories were embedded in my system that were holding me back from creating in the way I craved. I needed to be with them, feel through them, and release them.
All of this was required of me so I could make space for the art I desired to embody.
It wasn’t all mindset work. It wasn’t an overnight fix.
It was a devotion to believing I, and the art I wanted to create, was worth it.
And now I want to share with you what I’ve learned.